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Cypherglass paid the $50,000 bounty to implement EOS on the Trezor

Cypherglass paid the $50,000 bounty to implement EOS on the Trezor

Cypherglass recently paid the $50,000 bounty payment to the CryptoFairy team that succesfully managed to implement EOS on the Trezor hardware wallet. Now every EOS holders can easily and securely store their EOS tokens on any Trezor device.

According to the Cypherglass team, all of these funds was contributed by using personal funds and not through the Block Producer vote pay or block pay.

Many thanks for your valuable contributions Cypherglass and CryptoFairy!


Payment transaction: https://www.eosx.io/tx/a37ea0de2576dc6e0cb65ba1407948b3a75f33af9ad67eeb7a1ff24e7862ec50

Screenshot 2019-09-10 22-56-13-345

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